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Saturday, May 11, 2019

I'm Sorry

To the girl in 7th grade that asked me for the last skate
is was just 5 minutes for me, but it was more to you

To the girl in college I told I was in a band
I was drunk and wanted in your pants - no excuse

To the guy who asked me to be his best man
you didn't have anyone else and I let you down

To you know who for you know what
I'm going to regret that for the rest of my life

To the woman trying to change her tire in the rain
I couldv'e called and said I'd be a little late

To my friend who called too drunk to drive home
I still see the blood that might have been on my hands

To the guy I let fail in my Cog Neuro class
You reached out and I just didn't pay attention

To the guy whose girlfriend I stole
I didn't even like her - just being an ass

To the woman who called hanging by a thread
I should have passed you on to someone who could help

To the man I should have become